Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I like the ring of this one: "Something CAN be done about Santa Cruz housing."

"Judy Williams decided she had enough of the fickle stock market: she wanted to make a contribution to her community and do something more useful with her money. She decided that maybe, by partnering up with an organization experienced in providing affordable housing, she could do something to ease the housing crunch for at least a few mental health clients. She approached Paul O'Brien of Community Support Services (SCCSS) with a proposal: she would put together enough money for the down payment to purchase a house if SCCSS would master lease the house from her and rent the rooms out at an affordable rent (at least for Santa Cruz!) to clients of the County mental health system. SCCSS would guarantee the rent, manage the property, take care of all the tenant issues, and take care of all the minor repairs and maintenance issues. Judy would hold the property until such time as SCCSS can secure sufficient funding in the form of grants or low interest loans to purchase the property back from her and assure that it becomes permanent affordable housing in perpetuity."

Go Judy. A woman after my own heart!