Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Scientology on YouTube

Scientology is on YouTube now too! It's own channel! It's about time!

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Friday, March 07, 2008

Indians Claim to have been Trafficked to Mississippi

According to an article in the Times of India today, "More than 100 Indian workers at a Mississippi shipyard staged a walkout claiming they were victims of human trafficking and lived and worked in abysmal conditions.

The workers plan to report themselves to the Department of Justice as trafficking victims and demand federal prosecution of the employer, Signal International, a local television channel reported.">>

I've found Americans to be pretty naive about human trafficking. In school we are taught about slavery in the past tense. It's still happening today, though.

Here's a video created by Youth for Human Rights International that puts it in perspective.

This is one of 30 short video clips each of which illustrate one of the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The videos were produced with the support of the Human Rights Department of the Church of Scientology International and various projects to distribute the videos have been funded by the International Association of Scientologists.