Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Scientology Volunteer Ministers Responding to the Call for Help

The Newberg, Oregon Graphic had this to say about the Scientology Volunteer Ministers Hurricane Disaster Relief
Scientology Volunteer Ministers
Jan and John Paquette, an emergency room doctor and medic, respectively wanted to help when they saw the destruction of Hurricane Katrina.

They knew Jill Methven was going south to offer a helping hand with theChurch of Scientology, and though not affiliated with the church themselves, they asked if they could join her.

The whole article has been reprinted in davidmiscavige.blogsource.com/

Friday, October 14, 2005

Scientologists from the Czech Republic Show Something Can Be Done About Drugs

Sometimes I wonder if watching CNN and FOX News helps or hinders humanitarian work. The reason I say this is when I turn off the tube I often feel apathetic -- as though there really isn't any reason to try to change something bad because what can I do to make a difference.

But members of the Church of Scientology of the Czech Republic haven't listened to how impossible it all is. On http://davidmiscavige.blogsource.com/ and the Scientology Effective Solutions web site.

Hungarian Scientology Volunteer Ministers pioneered anti-drug sporting events with their Anti-Drug Marathon, which is also a country-wide run to promote living drug-free lives.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Scientology in Italy

I just found a new Italian Scientology blog

She's writing about Youth for Human Rights, which is active in Italy and in many other countries around the world.

I notice they have a European Youth for Human Rights site too.

There is so much happening in Scientology around the world, and it's great to see more Scientologists posting about it.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Something Can be Done about Human Rights

I see that the 2nd annual Youth for Human Rights International Youth Summit is going on in LA.

I'm really impressed with some of these kids.

For example, here's what the delegate from Turkey says:

20-year-old Berza Simsek is constantly active in the human rights field. She is an International Relations student at Hacettepe University and works closely with the University’s Centre for Research and Application of the Philosophy of Human Rights. She can often be found visiting the Centre on her own volition to share her views and contribute to their activities.

Ms. Simsek stated "One of the reasons I want to participate in the International Youth Summit is due to my strong interest in human rights. I am interested to know what youth around the world think about human rights. This will be a great opportunity for all youth, without discrimination of race, color or ethnic origin to share together. At the end of the Youth Summit we can form a common goal for providing human rights to others and I will be proud to be a part of this."