Thursday, August 26, 2004

Go Glover

This story appeared on a site that has too many pop-ups, so to spare you the annoyance I'm just reprinting it here:

Danny Glover Arrested After Protest
8/26/04 - 2:26 PM ET
By Adam Gonshor Print Article
Email Article

(andPOP) - What could have been a passionate scene in a movie really happened to Danny Glover. The movie star was arrested on Wednesday in Washington after a protest.

Glover was protesting outside the Sudan Embassy. He was charged with disorderly conduct and unlawful assembly. He told a crowd to call for peace in western Sudan.

"We must continue to demand justice and we must continue to demand peace for the people of Darfur," he said.

People gathered to protest the humanitarian crisis in Sudan's Darfur region.

50,000 people have died, and 1.2 million have been left homeless

Glover, 58, is best known for starring in such films as Lethal Weapon and the Color Purple.

He was handcuffed and taken away by US Secret Service on the steps of the embassy.

Youth for Human Rights at the United Nations

Young Delegates from Around the World take part in an International Human Rights Youth Summit at the UN

Twenty-five advocates for human rights from around the world participated in an international Youth Human Rights Summit at UNICEF on Tuesday, 24 August. Aged from twelve to twenty, the delegates addressed human rights violations facing youth in their countries and their resolutions.

The Youth Summit was hosted by Youth for Human Rights International and co-organized by the Church of Scientology, the Foundation for Human Rights and Tolerance, and the Friends of the United Nations. The Summit was a culmination of a world tour by Youth for Human Rights International to raise awareness of human rights among youth.

Full articles can be read at the Scientology Newsroom

New Writers of the Future Contest

I can hardly believe it's been 20 years since the launch of the L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future anthologies and contest. I think I've read every one of them and have enjoyed them thoroughly. I look forward to the new volume and will snap it up as soon as it comes out.

Kid-Safe Searching

Here's a really cool site for kids. It's called Kinderstart. Here's what they say about their purpose: "KinderStart is the largest (and most popular) indexed directory and search engine focused on children zero to seven on the 'net.

"The mission of our small but dedicated staff is to provide parents, grandparents, foster parents and teachers with the most organized, and easiest to use index and search engine available.

"Finding information specifically related to the care of young children on the 'net can be a daunting process. Broad Search Engines are fine, but not specifically focused on resources for young children, therefore surfers often do not find resources which would be useful in their care of young children.

"KinderStart makes finding these resources easy-hence it's utility.

"Over time, KinderStart has added resources for teachers of young children and even young users."

Here are some of my favorite KinderStart catgegories:

KinderStart - Bringing Home Baby : Daddyhood
KinderStart - Animal Friends : Choosing A Pet
KinderStart - Learning Activities and Crafts : Painting and Drawing
and KinderStart - Society/Culture/Environment : Religions : Scientology

Friday, August 20, 2004

Here's an article from the St. Peterburg Times that's worth reading:

David Miscavige: the Man Behind Scientology

David Miscavige, the seldom-seen leader of the church, comes forth in his first newspaper interview to talk of a more peaceful time for Scientology.
Stories by THOMAS C. TOBIN
of the Times Staff

Called “intense” by his friends, David Miscavige, 38, has been Scientology’s leader for 11 years.

You can read the whole article here: David Miscavige: the Man Behind Scientology

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Scientology Volunteer Ministers at Ground Zero

I met an extraordinary man yesterday. He was a New York fire fighters who worked for weeks at Ground Zero, looking for survivors.

It really made me feel proud when he told me that the whole time he was there, Scientology Volunteer Ministers were there too, helping to do anything that was needed, whether it was working on the bucket brigade, passing out food, cleaning out the rescue workers eyes or giving Scientology assists, and that these people really inspired him, knowing there were people who would put themselves at risk just to help others.

I was so proud to here him say this.

Here is more information about the Scientology Volunteer Ministers, that I read on this site: Scientology Effective Solutions - The Volunteer Minister programme

Scientology Churches

Here are some links to Scientology churches that I found interesting:

Church of Scientology of Salt Lake City
Church of Scientology and Dianetics Foundation of Washington D.C.
Church of Scientology of Boston
Church of Scientology of Illinois
Church of Scientology of Manchester, United Kingdom

Friday, August 06, 2004

ScientologyHere are some excellent sites about Scientology for non-English speaking persons:
Scientology sito Italiano con Dianetics e L. Ron Hubbard
De Hulpgids - Dianetics en Scientology Portal
Scientology/Church of Scientology
Gegevens over de Scientology Kerk
Scientology Kirche: Scientology Religion in Deutschland
Mi a Szcientológia ?
Que es Cienciologia?